
46 (1) All members shall:

(a) work within his or her scope of practice of dental technology and capability and comply with any applicable restrictions or conditions on his or her practice;

(b) maintain currency in knowledge and skill in dental technology and upgrade that knowledge and skill with the development of new procedures and equipment;

(c) take full responsibility for the services he or she provides or delegates to personnel under his or her supervision;

(d) observe the supervision requirements as set out in the Bylaws and in any guidelines published by the Council;

(e) follow proper business principles and procedures in respect to his or her practice;

(f) comply with infection control standards set by the Council; and

(g) keep accurate and complete records.

   (2) A Practicing Dental Technician shall:

(a) be able to describe and apply competently general laboratory procedures, principles of physics and general science associated with the fabrication of dental prostheses;

(b) be able to describe characteristics and properties of dental materials associated with the fabrication of dental prosthetic devices and appliances;

(c) be able to describe characteristics of, and operate competently equipment and instrumentation associated with the fabrication of dental prostheses;

(d) be able to describe and apply competently information regarding basic elements of head and neck anatomy, dental anatomy, dental physiology, tooth morphology and pathological conditions relevant to dental technology; and

(e) be able to describe and apply competently basic elements of business and laboratory management.

Taken from the Dental Technicians Association of Saskatchewan - Bylaws, under The Dental Disciplines Act, as they appeared in The Saskatchewan Gazette, December 22, 2000



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to Trudie Ahenakew to passing her written and practical exam. She is our newest RDT in the province.

P.O. Box 8035
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7K 4R7